What ‘80s Movies are on Netflix?

Can you relate: you come home from a hard day’s work, scratch that. You walk into the living room after a hard day’s work in the makeshift office kitchen. You’ve been Zooming since 9 am, you don’t want to make one more decision. No more thinking for today.

You pick up the remote and turn on Netflix. And there on the screen are a million choices, options, recommended for yous and trending stories. The sound of the remote clicking through the titles adds to the stress.

We’re here to help. No need to get stuck in the ‘what movie to play’ vortex. We think you need some nostalgia so we’ve picked out the best ‘80s movies to watch on Netflix. Fight those post-work stresses with something silly, funny, adventurous, dramatic and always very ‘80s. Enjoy!

The Best ‘80s Movies to Watch on Netflix

The Money Pit (1986)

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I don’t think this movie is as acknowledged or as loved as it should be. IT’S FRICKIN’ GREAT. If you dig the “wacky” days of an early Tom Hanks movie (when he gets his voice all high, and has a crazy laugh) then this flick is for you. Hanks and Shelley Long are a young couple buying their dream home. Problem after problem occur as they deal with contractors and home repairs. It’s very reminiscent of the more ‘slapsticky’ movies of the ‘80s that we don’t see as much anymore. Which is a shame. Concrete and wheelbarrow humor is just funny. With the right people. Basically, “The Money Pit” is an hour and a half of wacky fun.

Perfect for: those that want to laugh. ‘80s Tom Hanks will soothe your anguished, over-worked spirit and have you wanting more. Sadly that’s the only ‘me generation’ Hanks movie on Netflix. You could try a ‘90s “Sleepless in Seattle” or a more recent “Saving Mr. Banks” but we recommend you wait until we tell you where to watch “Splash” and “The Man With One Red Shoe” for more classic ‘80s Hanks.

Airplane (1980)

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You don’t need me to tell you that “Airplane” is good. I’m just here to remind you it’s on Netflix. And that it might brighten your day. Un-PC parts, for sure. And some groan-worthy moments. It stars Robert Hays as Ted Striker, a stressed-out former pilot and Julie Hagerty as his lost love Elaine. (How much do we love Julie Hagerty, in everything she does?) Leslie Nielsen, Peter Graves, Lloyd Bridges, Robert Stack also star, and there are a slew of cameos from Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Barbara Billingsley (mom from “Leave it to Beaver), Ethel Merman, Jimmie Walker, politician Howard Jarvis and James Hong (you’d recognize him if you saw him). Considering it’s 40 years ago (!) it’s not too outdated. Even if on a plane you wouldn’t order fish now (can you imagine not only the option of fish or steak, but wanting to eat plane fish?). Lots of references to pop culture- movies, TV, commercials – like the ‘Here to Eternity’ beach scene where Ted and Elaine get washed up with sea kelp. Basic, silly, it works.

There’s a flashback scene where Ted and Elaine are dancing to “Stayin’ Alive,” Ted is wearing the white 3-piece suit, he takes off the coat and throws it to the side. A moment later the coat is thrown back at him. As a kid I remember thinking that was so funny. Again, basic, silly, it works.

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Funny side note: my mom was on a plane in the ‘80s and Robert Hays walked down the aisle, she shouted “who’s controlling the plane?” in case there’s ever a wonder where my corniness comes from.

Perfect for: anyone who loves fictional ridiculous scenarios to take your mind off of real-life ridiculous scenarios.

Back to the Future (1985)

Now this one you’re sure to have seen before. BTTF was a HUGE hit, spawning 2 sequels, amusement park rides, games and more. How can you not like it, Michael J. Fox is perfectly cast as Marty McFly with Christopher Lloyd as wacky Doc. Lea Thompson plays his mom who is starting to have a crush on flashback Marty. It’s complicated.

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Perfect for: I’ve heard that the screenplay for “Back to the Future” is a perfect example of a great screenplay, so I think this movie will benefit more than those seeking nostalgia, but those looking into story pacing, plot and structure. It’s great storytelling. This is also good for parents to show their kids, it’s a fun movie for kids that stands the test of time.

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

I was too young at the time to fully appreciate this movie when it came out, but on recent viewings I can say it holds up and is a great movie from start to finish. Rarely has an actor encapsulated a role like Harrison Ford did as Indiana Jones (and to be honest, he did it previously with Han Solo as well). Snarky, dashing, determined, Ford was what every man wanted to be and who every woman wanted. Add on a catchy soundtrack, non-stop action and the obligatory “sassy” female companion and you have an ‘80s classic.

Perfect for: adventure-seekers and those that want to binge the franchise with “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” (1984), “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” (1989) and if you must (but you really don’t have to) “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” (2008).

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