Just small town girls, living in a millennial world

Hi. I grew up in the drenched but very green Pacific NW and made my way to California a few years ago. Moving to the town of great hair, and tan, toned bods was a gamble for this pasty Washingtonian. I didn’t immediately stand out, but over time felt like it was aging that a made me “different” in this town. I know, I know it sounds crazy…unless this has happened to you and then you know exactly what I’m talking about. That will be discussed here, in humor form- we have to laugh about it or else we’ll get a facelift.

Another female Gen-X observation: lack of content for our age group. I’m talking TV and movies and digital. There are tons of mommy blogs and lifestyle blogs, but:

  • I’m not a parent (of humans) so mommy blogs are lost on me.

  • There’s only so many kale chip recipes and homemade lavender pillow articles I want to read.

  • There are LOTS of questions I have about what is going on (to me, not the world) and I’m just not seeing what I’m looking for out in the web world.

  • Remembering carefree, nostalgic times is lovely, no?

  • Doesn’t anyone have silly fun anymore?

My hope is that sometime during the day, or when you’re winding down at night, you stop by the site, see something that makes you laugh, something that inspires you or something that encourages you.

Awesomely yours,

Lu & Friends