When Endless Love Surpassed Jessie’s Girl 41 Years Ago

Rick Springfield Lionel Richie Diana Ross

The Top 40 Countdown Was a Big Deal in the ‘80s

I remember the night well. I was listening to American Top 40, eagerly waiting for my favorite song’s status to be revealed. Last week it was #1, the week before that it was #1. I was confident “Jessie’s Girl” would again be #1 this week. How could it not? Would I sing just any song into my curling iron?

Everyone has their own “Jessie’s Girl” - a song (or album) that they can look back on with joy and remember exactly how it made them feel back in the day. And if you’re lucky, the song still makes you feel that way in the present day. The lack of music on demand made the listening moments all the more special. Eventually I did get Jessie’s Girl on tape, but there was a stretch of time where I had to wait to hear it on the radio (oh the anticipation).

So there I am, listening to Casey Kasem share trivia, a long distance dedication, blah blah blah and then he says “Jessie’s Girl” is #2. What? How can any song be as good as “Jessie’s Girl?” You can imagine a non-sappy teenage girl’s disappointment when it was the sugary “Endless Love” by Diana Ross & Lionel Ritchie that was holding the #1 spot.

Endless Love Was a Mega Hit

They say if you’re going to lose, lose to a winner and “Jessie’s Girl” can take solace in the fact that “Endless Love” was number 1 for nine weeks. From summertime to well into the school year. That song was everywhere. Sure, rub it in.

It took “Arthur’s Theme” by Christopher Cross to take down “Endless Love,” which is still regarded as one of the best love songs ever. By who, I’m not sure. But not this ‘80s girl.


Rick Springfield Won a Grammy in 1982